Choosing Medicare Plans Is An Important Decision


When you reach 65 and can enroll in Medicare, you need to have done your research and have a plan in place for the type of coverage you want. The choices you make when you first enroll in Medicare can have consequences for the rest of your life, so you want to make sure that you are making smart decisions for your financial well-being as well as your health. Original Medicare vs Medicare Advantage

31 December 2018

4 Reasons You Need A CPA On Speed Dial As You Start A New Business


Hiring a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) for your fledgling business is a significant investment, but it reaps many rewards that cannot be had while trying to handle everything yourself. How so? Here are 4 benefits of using a CPA as you grow your tiny business. Learn Things Correctly. Learning accounting for your own business is usually an "on-the-job" kind of training. You learn as you make mistakes as well as when you do things correctly.

24 October 2018

Taxes And Inheritance: What Do You Need To Know?


You've already paid taxes on your own money, so why should your family members need to pay taxes again when they inherit it? In fact, there are many ways to avoid taxes during the probate process, but if the process isn't done correctly, the tax burden can be substantial. Estate planning is often necessary to ensure that no one gets stuck with a tax bill that they don't want. Trusts Can Avoid Issues of Taxation

25 July 2018

4 Sneaky Ways You Save Money When Contributing To Retirement Accounts


Do you think that contributing to your retirement accounts is only about saving for the future? You might be surprised to find out how much it can help reduce your tax bill right now. Here are four ways that it can make a difference this year. Lowered Income. Of course, the most obvious benefit is that contributions to your 401(k) or traditional IRA accounts are deducted from taxable income. You can deduct up to $5,500 from taxable income per spouse.

5 May 2018